Indian Music books
Practice of Indian Music by Daniel Schell
Exists in French: Pratique de la Musique Indienne
in collaboration with Ashok Pathak, Dhruba Ghosh, Pandit Jasraj, Gauri Guha, Harsh Wardhan, Sangeeta Bandhyopadhyay and other masters.

A detailed textbook on the practice of Hindustani music with about hundred exercises and tunes/scores both in Indian and western staff notation. The text was edited by Dieter Tailleux of the department of Oriental Studies, Prof. Callewaert, Univ. of Leuven. It has now also an index in Devanagari.
In English or French, 230p . 40€ plus post./ PDF Version 35€
The Pandit Jasraj Songbook by Daniel Schell
in collaboration with Pandit Jasraj, Ankita Joshi and Wim de Winter
Contains notation in Staff and Sargam, of famous songs – with lyrics- by Pandit Jasraj
Famous songs in bhairav bahar, gujari todi, madhmad sarang, chaarukeshi, ahir bhairav, bairagi bhairav, puriya danashri, bhairav, jog, bageshrii, bhimplasii, bhairavi, and darbaari.
The darbaari section contains the copmposition eri birari in ektaal vilambit with a full notation of Jasraj’s improvisation. Folowed by bavari in tintaal.
English only, 59 pages. 35 € (no CD included) plus post
The Harsh Wardahn bansuri (in C or in G) Volume 1 & 2
by Harsh Wardhan & Daniel Schell

Volume 1 Exists in English and French.
Learn how to play the Indian bamboo flute. With a general introduction to Hindustani music. CD included.
(Français: Apprenez le bansuri, la flute indienne en bambou, avec une introduction générale sur la musique Hindustani. Existe avec la notation en Do ou en Sol)
Volume 1 Cd included : 35 €
The CD contains all the tunes played by Harsh Wardhan, accompanied on tabla by Sandip Banerjee. iin the Tonality : E (Mi)

New: Volume 2 (Only in English) 35€ CD Included

New: Volume 3 Only in English) 35 € Audio available on Bandcamp (not included )

The Sandip Banerjee Tabla
by Sandip Banerjee & Daniel Schell
A step-by-step Tabla method for the beginners. CD included.
Exists in English and French, with CD included
35 €